//wallatheena la yash-hadoona az-zoora wa itha marroo billaghooi marroo kiraama//
Stranger: Some vocabulary - //zoor// here in this ayah means falsehood or lies. //Laghoo// we have covered before. //marroo// - they pass by
They, the Mu'mineed pass by laghoo - all actions and speech without benefit in a dignified manner (karaaman). Can we start by elaborating upon being a witness to falsehood?
Dr: Simple, witnessing or agreeing with, or being silently accepting of any falsehood whether it be plain out lie, or a lie against Allah. For example, it is becoming common in Sana'a for people - especially the righer ones who have experienced living in the West - to celebrate birthdays, mothers day, fathers day, Halloween, Christmas - Aoothubillah. These are all false hood, especially Halloween and Christmas. A Muslim should not celebrate these abominations.
Stranger: Ok, these are indeed common celebrations in the West. I know from personal experience trying to get out of end of year Christmas parties at work. Many Muslims go to the party so that they don't ruffle anyone's feathers at the workplace. These parties can be messy with people getting drunk and bad behaviour. Being a Christmas party is one falsehood and the attending an alcoholic event a second.
Dr: Yes, exactly, as well consider this. If you are celebrating birthdays, and mothers day and fathers day and valentine zina day and all the other eids, imagine how much money you waste in gifts and uselessness! Lost time and money that didn't get you any hasanat from Allah!!!
And what if you forget someone's birthday or your wedding anniversary?! The other party will be angry and fitnah will come up between the two. Islam is so simple - just two eids.
Stranger: What about other celebrations generally - like university graduations and the like?
Dr: These are good if there is no haram involved like mixing between men and women or music and so on. We should celebrate reaching an educational milestone and encourage our youth to grateness. They need encouragement and affirmation from us that they did good.
Allah the Most High says in His Book that we should not testify to falsehood even if it be agaisnt our own selves, family, kith and kin in many ayat, here is one of them:
"O you who believe! Stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to Allah, even as against yourselves, or your parents, or your kin, and whether it be (against) rich or poor: for Allah can best protect both. Follow not the lusts (of your hearts), lest you swerve, and if you distort justice or decline to do justice, verily Allah is well-acquainted with all that you do."
[Sûrah al-Nisâ’: 135]
These are example that are in our personal lives. Sometimes things get a bit sticky when not testifying to falsehood when everyone else is doing it such as bribary and the corrupt actions of government. Fear can get a hold of someone in this case and it could lead to their or their family's execution. The case on whether to stand up against this type of falshood is debated upon in fiqh. The argument is based on the hadith of "if you see a haram change it with your hand or your tongue or hate it in your heart and that is the lowest form of iman". This extreme situation is up to the individual to assess and act. To cover this issue would need a huge article listing all the arguments and opinions so we will leave this issue for now. If one is experiencing oppression they could try make hijrah and if not to at least keep up their private ibadah and that of their family.
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