Stranger: Back in Ayah 69 Allah mentions the punishment for those who commit shirt, murder and adultery. In Ayah 70 and 71 Allah the Most Merciful explains how, if we are doing these sins, we can reform ourselves and avoid the devastating punishment as well as please Allah with clean living. There are three things that need to be fulfilled, they are:
1. To repent to Allah the Forgiver and this repentance must be sincere, and to be sincere the next two must be followed.
2. Belief in Allah The Greatest. With Iman comes desire to please Allah and loss of desire for former sins.
3. Do good deeds - do not return to former sins and act piously and fear Allah.
Dr: Yes how merciful is Allah and how great is His ability to forgive, and He spells it out for us in His book of true guidance.
Allah accepts repentance and can even change those evils into virtue as is mentioned in the ayah, so what does this look like? The former mushrik (polythiest) will be changed into a mu'min in Allah's Oneness - upon true tawheed, the murderer will no longer kill and if he does kill it would be for Allah's cause in jihad to establish Islam or other legislated killing. And if the repenter was a zani (adulterer) that would be changed to chastity or faithfulness to ones spouse. Allahu Akbar He is able to do all things.
Stranger: Ayah 71 further confirms Akkah's capacity to forgive those who repent to Him and continue on His straight path not returning to former crimes.
Dr: Allah loves those who repent and He loves those who are "mutatahhareen" clean - that is clean of physical filth as well as the inner cleanliness of repenting and asking forgiveness from Allah, with constant remembrance and supplication.
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