Stranger: Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barokatuhu, Welcome back to Yemen and may Allah the Most High accept your Umrah.
Dr: Wa alaikum assalam Stranger. Amin. It is always a pleasure to make a trip to the House of Allah.
Stranger: So where will we go next on our Tafsir journey?
Dr: Surat al-Furqan ayah 63 to 76 and then ayah 77 because it is the last ayah of the Surah and we may as well look at it too.
The reason I want to go here next is that the information in the segment about the characteristics of the Mu'mineen are presented in the same layout as in Surat al-Muminoon that we covered already. Just the Characteristics (sifat) are slightly different or have a different slant on them.
First is the subject - what we call in Arabic the mubtada', then sifaat, then at the end you get the khabr - the part of the sentence that completes the thought - the clause.
Surat al-Mu'minoon starts with: Indeed successful are the Mu'mineen, then a list of sifaat, and then the prize of Jannah is mentioned at the end of all these clauses in the ayaat.
Surat al-Furqan 63 starts also with mentioning the subject but calls them "3ibad ar-Rahman" Slaves of the Merciful. Then you get sifaat in the ayaat up until ayah 75 and then you get the khabr which completes the clause and that is the prize of the highest place of Jannah for the Believers and congratulations and good words from Allah az wa Jall.
The grammatical structure and eloquence (balagha) is beautiful - as is in the entire Qur'an - and I will point out some of these features of balagha as it happens.
The first words starting the segment about the sifat al-Mu'mineen are, (و عباد الرحمان) which translates as "and slaves of the Rahman." They are Muda3af and muda3af ilahi - this is a possessive form in Arabic that the owner of the slaves (3ibad) belong to The Merciful (Ar-Rahman).
After the Subject come all of the sifat of the 3ibad ar-Rahman - what do they do and why does Allah refer to them specifically as His. These sifat continue up to surah 74 and then in Surah 75 the khabr (news/information) that completes the thought.
Stranger: Then all these ayaat run together like one long sentence?
Dr: Yes, one sentence broken up into sub-clauses in each ayah, usually one or two sifat in each to help with the list format and also helps us with memorising.
Stranger: Cool. Got it.
Dr: Alhamdulillah so now lets get onto the first ayah - ayah 63
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