They are those who are the inheritors (10)
//oolaaika hum alwaarithoon//
warith - one who inherits - warithoon - plural of warith. Wiratha - inheritence
This ayah is short and aims to draw the reader in by saying they (the mu'minoon) are the inheritors without saying what. So then we read eagerly the next ayah:
They inherit al-Firdaus, they will reside therein eternally. (11)
Not only will the Mu'minoon get Jannah (Paradise/Heaven) but they will get the highest part of Jannah - al-Firdaus where the Prophets of Allah will be.
This is indeed the best inheritance - the highest part of Jannah and all its beauties and luxuries. But to get it you must be a Mu'min and that means carrying out completely the seven sifat listed in the opening ayaat of this surah (Khashi3 in prayer, leave laghoo, do the zakat, protect their chastity, vigilant over fulfilling responsibilities and promises, and guard their salat)
Allah does not ask us for much for such an immense reward, but it takes constant renewal of the intention and checking of the self to stay on the path to Jannat al-Firdaus. The Mu'min lives a very clean and clear life. We ask Allah the Most High to make us of those who will inherit the ultimate inheritance that never fades nor is it stolen, the ultimate inheritance of eternity in His Jannat al-Firdaus with the Prophets and pious people of all mankind.
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